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BeeOne Times Table Book

A brilliant practice book for Primary and Middle School students

The fundamental learning of mathematics begins with mastering the Times Table. The sole purpose of this workbook is to provide teachers and parents a well thought of Times Table Workbook that will make learning these fundamentals a moment of joy and fun. This workbook contains 100 pages of practice worksheets of Multiplication and Division of numbers from 1 to 15 which will give children a sense of numbers and its mastery.

Rated 4.7/5 by Teachers in TpT (Teachers pay Teachers), www.grade1to6.com and BeeOne Workbooks are the first choice for schools, teachers & parents globally.

subscribe to www.grade1to6.com to access 6,000 plus Math & English Worksheets for Grade 1 to Grade 6.

Edition: 2022

Pages(PDF): 100

Author: Mrs. Lakshmi Chintaluri

Price: $9