NCERT / CBSE Class 4 Maths Syllabus and Chapter names in the NCERT Workbook 2023-24

Syllabus Overview for 2023-24

Number Operations: Students learn how to use numbers in day-to-day life, multiplication of 2- and 3-digit numbers, division of numbers is also explained by equal sharing concept or repeated subtraction and exploring the relationship between multiplication and division. Learn to solve real life word problems using money, measurement of length, mass, and capacity by using all the four basic operations in mathematics.

Fractions: Identifying and representing one fourth, half, three fourths of a whole number in pictures and numbers including equivalent fractions.

Shapes: Identifying and understanding shapes around our life, understand the concept of centre, radius, diameter of a circle, where shapes can be used like in the instance of tiling, making cube and cuboids with nets, understand the concept of symmetry and reflection, top view, front view, side view of objects.

Geometry: Understand the concept of area and perimeter of geometrical shapes like triangle and rectangle including real life word problems in calculating area and perimeter.

Measurement: Converting centimetre to metre and reverse too. Estimating the length of an object, distance between two places, measuring weights of objects, volume of liquid involving real life word problems.

Time: Reading minutes and hours of a clock, writing the time in am and pm, relationship between a 12 hour and a 24-hour clock. Understand time intervals and time lapse concept with real life word problems involving addition and subtraction of time

Patterns: Understand and express patterns in multiplication and division. Observing, identifying, and extending geometrical patterns based on symmetry. Data Handling: Collect and represent the information in tables, bar graphs and infer the data analytically.

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NCERT Class 4 Mathematics book Chapter names for 2023-24

The NCERT book for Class 4 Mathematics has 14 chapters and here are the names for your quick reference

1. Building with Bricks
2. Long and Short
3. A Trip to Bhopal
4. Tick-Tick-Tick
5. The Way the World Looks
6. The Junk Seller
7. Jugs and Mugs
8. Carts and Wheels
9. Halves and Quarters
10. Play with Patterns
11. Tables and Shares
12. How Heavy? How Light?
13. Fields and Fences
14. Smart Charts

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