Math worksheets for Grade 1 to 6 |CBSE |IB |ICSE |Common Core features over 6,000 Free & Premium Math Worksheets for Grade 1 to 6 that covers IB, Common Core Standards, UK National, Australian, Singapore, CBSE, ICSE and most International Curriculum.

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Grade 1 Math
Numbers and Counting | Counting Objects | Counting Numbers | Ordinal Number | Counting & Actions | Reading & Writing Numbers | Numbers 1 to 100 | Compare Numbers | Exploring Numbers One More & One Less | More & Less | Greater than, Less than or Equal | Comparing Numbers Ordering Numbers | Between Numbers | Before & After | Tens and Ones | Tens and Ones Word Problems | Number Patterns | Odd and Even | Doubles and Halves | Number Lines Patterns Number Patterns | Skip Counting Using Number Line | Addition | Single Digit Addition Fact Families | True or False | Number Bonds | Adding by 1 | Adding by 2 | Doubles | Doubles Plus One | Word Problems | Subtraction | Subtraction | Counting Back | Subtraction Drills | Word Problems | Counting & Estimating | Number Lines | Estimate & Count | Estimating with Number Lines | Multiplication | Grouping | Making Groups | Multiplication Drills | Multiplication with Number Line | Word Problems | Division | Divide Groups | Grouping | Division Drills | Measurements | Bigger & Smaller | Longest & Shortest | Largest & Smallest | Measure the Length | Estimating capacity | Shorter than/Taller than | Estimate the Length | Shapes | Symmetry | Time | Days of the Week | Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow | Telling Time | Handling Data
Grade 2 Math
Tens and Ones | Counting in Tens & Ones | Count and write the number | Place Value | Number Maker Comparing Numbers | Digit Value | Estimating & Counting | Number Patterns & Properties | Odd and Even | Doubles | Ordering & Between | Less than & Greater than | Greatest & Smallest Ordering | Skip Counting | Ordinal Number | Number Pairs | Number Bonds | Addition & Subtraction | Addition | Adding by 1 to 9 | Addition with Number Line | 2 Digit Addition | Addition and Subtraction | Word Problems | Multistep Word Problems | Subtraction | Subtraction with Number Line | Single Digit Subtraction | Word Problems | More or Less | Number Families | Fact Families | Multiplication and Division | Arrays | Multiplication with Arrays | Multiplication Drills | Multiplication Groups | Multiplication Real Life Word Problems | Division Facts | Division Groups | Division Word Problems | Division Drills | Division Real Life Word Problems | Division Reasoning | Part of a Whole | Half of a Shape | Quarter of a Shape | Quarter of an Amount | Parts of a Whole Real Life Word Problems | Shapes | 2D Shapes & 3D Shapes | Symmetry | Measurement | Liquid Measure | Comparison | Geometry | Right Angles | Shapes in Clockwise | Shapes in Anti-Clockwise | Time | Days of the Week | Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | Months of the Year | Telling Time | Handling Data | Bar Graph | Line Graph
Grade 3 Math
Number & Place Value | Tens & Units | Place Value | Whole Numbers | Estimate and Rounding Skip Counting | Number Systems | Numbers | Word Problems | Fractions | Fraction on a Number Line | Representing a Fraction | Fractions of Shaded Shapes | Naming Fractions | Identifying Fractions | Identifying Missing Numerator & Denominator | Showing Fractions | Halves & Equivalent Fractions | Comparing Fractions | Real Life Word Problems | Addition & Subtraction | Addition with Number Line | Addition | Adding Several Small Numbers | Addition Drills | Missing Addends | Subtraction with Number Line | Subtraction Drills | Addition & Subtraction | Word Problems | Multiplication & Division | Multiplication with Grouping | Multiplication Array | Multiplication | Multiplication Word Problems | Multiplication Table | Make Equal Groups | Divisibility by Single | Division Word Problems | Division and Remainder | Shapes & Geometry | Trace Shapes | Colour and count the shapes | Word Problem | Position & Movement | Reading Coordinates | Writing Coordinates | Plotting Coordinates | Position & Movement | Coordinate Graphing | Measurement | Learning Practical Measurement | Equivalent Lengths | Measurement | Conversion Exercises | Measurement Word Problem | Comparing | Length/Mass/Volume | Time | Time Goes On | Word Problems | Handling Data | Smart Charts
Grade 4 Math
Number & Place Value | Place Value & Partitioning | Count on in Multiples | Expanded Form Understanding Digit Value | Word Problems | Rounding Number | Counting On & Counting Back Number Sequences | Understanding and using Decimal Notation | Addition & Subtraction | Addition to 100 & 1000 | Making 100 | Making 1000 | Adding Two or Three Digit | Real Life Word Problems | Subtraction with a Number Line Method | Three Digit Subtractions | Fact Families | Multiplication | Multiples | Venn Diagrams | Partitioning and Recombining | Multiplying Two Digit Numbers | Multiplication with Arrays | Strategies for Doubling and Halving | Real Life Word Problems | Division | Equal Groups | Rate | Comparison | Cartesian Product | Rectangular Area | Division | Dividing Two digit by a Single digit | Part-Whole | Ratio and Proportion | Real Life Word Problems | Fractions | Exploring Fraction | Ordering & Comparing Fractions | Equivalent Fractions | Mixed Fractions | Improper Fractions | Word Problems | Adding Fractions | Subtracting Fractions | Decimal & Fractions | Decimals & Tenths | Decimals for Tenths & Hundredths | Equivalent Fractions & Decimals Converting Fractions and Decimals | Decimal and Fractions Word Problem | Measurement, Area and Perimeter | Conversions | Estimating, Measuring & Recording Length | Measuring and Converting Length | Estimating, Measuring and Recording Mass | Estimating, Measuring & Recording Capacity | Real Life World Problems | Area & Perimeter Area | Time | Telling the Time | Real Life Word Problems | Shapes & Geometry | 2D Shapes | 3D Shapes | Position & Movement | Data Handling/Graphs
Grade 5 Math
Number & Place Value | Number Identification | Tenths & Hundredths | Rounding to the nearest Ones Place | Rounding nearest 10, 100 & 1000 | Ordering and Comparing Numbers | Identify Place Value | Number Sequences | Odd or Even | Fraction, Decimal & Percentage | Fraction | Fractions on a Number Line | Proper Fraction | Improper Fraction | Improper Fractions to Mixed | Equivalent Fraction | Real Life Word Problem | Decimal on a Number Line | Fraction as Decimal | Converting Fraction to Decimal | Decimal, Percentage and Fraction | Decimal to Percentage | Percentage | Ratio & Proportion | Ratios in their Practical Forms | Ratio & Proportion | Mental Math | Number Pair | Addition & Subtraction Facts | Counting On & Counting Back | Multiplication and Division Facts | Properties of Number | Multiplication Strategies | Doubling & Halving | Written Calculation | Addition & Subtraction | Real Life Word Problems | Multiplication | Multiplying Decimals | Division | Factors and Multiples | BODMAS | Shapes | Triangles | Irregular Polygon and their sides | Polygon | 3D Shapes | Parallelograms | Symmetry Lines | Angles | Position and Movements | Reflection | Reflection & Translations | Length, Mass & Capacity | Units of Measure | Capacity Measurement Conversion Chart | Real Life Word Problems Time | Real Life Word Problems | Perimeter & Area | Perimeter of shapes | Perimeter | Perimeter of Triangles | Area | Area of Triangles | Real Life Word Problems | Data Handling/Graphs
Grade 6 Math
Number Systems | Roman Numerals | Place Value | Numbers | Ordering Numbers | Nearest ten's place | Nearest hundred's place | Nearest thousand's place | Numbers in ascending order | Numbers in descending order | Real Life Word Problems | Number Operation | Properties of Whole Numbers | Commutative Property of Addition | Number Line | Addition | Addition Number Line | Subtraction | Multiplication | Index Notation | Number Lines | Rounding Numbers | Points, Lines & Angles | Parallel and Intersecting Lines | Angles | Bisecting Angles | Vertically Opposite Angles | Angles of a Triangle | Angles of a Quadrilateral | Number Properties | Index / Exponent | Powers with Base Ten | Squares & Cubes | Addition & Subtraction | Multiplication & Division | Divisibility Rules | Factors & Multiples | Prime & Composite Numbers | Prime Factors | Greatest Common Factors (GCF/HCF) | Multiples & LCM | Order of Operations/BODMAS | Geometric Shapes | Polygons | Triangles | Quadrilaterals | Euler's Formula | Circle | Number Properties | Fractions | Fractions on a Number Line | Representing Fractions | Fractions of Regular Shapes | Equivalent Fractions | Simplifying Fractions - Lowest Term Fractions | Fractions of Quantities - Word Problems | Comparing Fractions | Proper Fractions | Improper Fractions | Mixed Numbers | Convert Improper Fractions to Mixed | Reducing Fractions | Adding Fractions | Addition with Mixed Numbers | Addition of Improper Fractions | Subtraction Fractions | Multiplying Fractions | Multiplying of Mixed Fractions | Multiplying Improper Fractions | Reciprocals Fractions | Multiplying and Dividing Fractions | Dividing Fractions | Dividing Improper Fractions | Dividing Mixed Fractions | Dividing Fractions by Decimals | Fraction - Word Problems | Decimals | Constructing Decimal Numbers | Representing Decimal Numbers | Decimal - Number Line | Ordering Decimals | Rounding Decimal Numbers | Converting Decimals to Fractions | Convert Fractions to Decimals | Multiplying by Powers of 10 | Multiplying Decimal Numbers | Word Problems | Measurements | Reading Scales | Speed Measurements | Length Conversion | Perimeter | Word Problems | Percentage | Decimal to Fraction | Word Problems | Common Percent | Figuring Tips and Sales Tax | Integers | Introduction to Integers | Integers on a Number Line | Greater Integer | Compare and Order | Integers | Addition with Two Digit Integers | Addition & Subtraction of Integers | Subtraction Integers | Multiplication of Integers | Division of Integers | Integers - Word Problems | Statistics & Probability | Determining Spinner Probability | Identifying Combination Amounts | Basic Probability | Theoretical Probability | Probability Word Problems | Area and Volume | Area of Squares, Rectangles & Parallelograms | Area of Triangles | Area of a Parallelogram | Volume and Surface Area | Volume of Prism | Word Problems | Algebra | Matchstick Patterns | Commutativity of Addition | Commutativity of Multiplication | Expressions with variables | Two Step Equations Involving Fractions Line & Bar Graphs

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